winterset inc    
Winterset, Inc. has earned several awards for exceptional work in the construction industry, because of their commitment to excellence and high quality of work. Listed here are some of the honors that the company has received for some of the outstanding projects around New Hampshire and Vermont.
Best Builder Award
Best Builders Award 2014 for Highway Construction

Associated General Contractors of Vermont
Morristown, Vermont
STP-F 029-1 (2) C/1
STP-F 029-1 (2)
The Morristown Alternate Truck Route project consisted of a bridge over Lamoille River along with approach work, the second contract was the construction of a portion of proposed VT 100, on a new location associated with all higway related items, to route traffic around the village of Morristown, Vermont.
Best Builder Award
2012 Best Builders Award

Highway New Construction
U.S. Route 2, Cabot, Vermont
Given by the Associated General Contractors of Vermont

"...If you haven't driven through this section recently, you should. The landscaping is beautiful, the scenery is breathtaking, and I commend everyone who planned this project..." ~ Claudio Leibold, Plainsfield
Best Builder Award
2012 Associated General Contractors of Vermont Community Service Award

The Roy Watson Soccer Field, Walden School
For Outstanding Contributions, Work and Effort
Best Builder Award
2008 Best Builders Award

Highway New Construction
Randolph Bridge #29, Randolph, Vermont
Given by the Associated General Contractors of Vermont

"Winterset, Inc. received the award for outstanding quality of work and effort in the "Best Builder, Highway Construction" category for their work on the Randolph Bridge #29." ~ Caledonian Record
National Timber Bridge Competition
2005 National Timber Bridge Competition

Timber Bridge Awards
Covered Bridges
Award of Merit
Littleton Riverwalk Pedestrian Bridge, Littleton, New Hampshire

"This 352' span is one of the longest covered bridges in New Hampshire with two spans of 126' and one span of 100'. The main supports are Warren trusses comprised of isosceles triangles formed by the web members connecting the top and bottom chords." ~America's Best Timber Bridges
2005 Best Public Improvement Project
Downtown Revitalization Awards
Littleton Riverwalk Bridge, Littleton, New Hampshire
Given by the New Hampshire Main Street Center (NHMSC)

"The Riverwalk & Footbridge was named Best Public Improvement Project by the New Hampshire Main Street Center (NHMSC) at its seventh annual Excellence in Downtown Revitalization Awards event in Concord [NH]."
~Caledonian Record
New England Contruction Award
Feature Spread in New England Construction

July 9, 2001
Five Page Spread Feature Article
Rehabilitation of I-89 in Hartford, Vermont
Best Builder Award
1999 Best Builders Award

Highway Renovation
Rehabilitation of I-89 in Hartford, Vermont
Given by the Associated General Contractors of Vermont

"Honored for Outstanding Quality of Work and Effort"


